
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Using Select Statement in SQL Server

In this series I will explain the syntax by using the SELECT statement in SQL Server.  Using this statement is very useful and productive when trying to do certain tasks efficiently. 

1. Select specific or all columns
2. Distinct rows
3. Filtering with where clause.
4. Wild Cards in SQL Server
5. Joining multiple conditions using AND and OR operators
6. Sorting rows using order by
7. Selecting top n or top n percentage of rows

--To SELECT ALL COLUMNS from Table--
select * from tblPerson

--How to SELECT specific or all columns--
--1 right click on table, go to Script Table as --> SELECT TO-> New Query Editor Window--
--It will write the query for us--

--How to select distinct rows--
Select distinct Country from tblPerson

--Select two distinct columns--
Select distinct Name, Country from tblPerson

--Select people who live in Portland--
Select * from tblPerson where Country= 'Portland'

--Select people not living in Portland--
Select * from tblPerson where Country <> 'Portland'

Select * from tblPerson where City <> 'Portland'
Select * from tblPerson where City != 'Portland'

--Select Age 21, 22, 23--
Select * from tblPerson Where Age IN (20, 22, 23)

--Using the BETWEEN operator to SELECT a range for example(20 and 30)--

Select * from tblPerson Where Age BETWEEN 20 AND 30

--Using the LIKE operator--
Select * from tblPerson where City LIKE 'L%'

--Using the NOT LIKE operator--
Select * from tblPerson where City NOT LIKE 'L%'

ID     Name   Email      GenderID Age    City

1      John   j@j.com       1      21     Sydney
3      Ron    ron@r.com     1      41     Miami
4      Sara   s@s.com       2      33     Buffalo
6      Kathy  k@k.com       2      42     Seattle
7      Rich   rich@r.com    NULL   52     Portland
8      Mike   mike@m.com    3      56     Austin
9      Sarah  s@r.com       1      60     San Francisco
10     Johnny john@r.com    NULL   38     Kansas City
11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu
13     Donna  d@d.com       2      50     Tempe
14     David  david@d.com   1      49     Trenton
15     Tony   tony@t.com    1      22     Singapore

--All values with City that don’t have the letter L in the City column—

--Using the underscore operator--
--I want to select all the emails like this 'A@A.com' one character before and after the @ symbol--

Select * from tblPerson where email LIKE '_@_.com'

1      John   j@j.com       1      21     Sydney
2      Mary   m@m.com       NULL   23     Los Angeles
4      Sara   s@s.com       2      33     Buffalo
5      Linda  l@l.com       2      35     Lincoln
6      Kathy  k@k.com       2      42     Seattle
9      Sarah  s@r.com       1      60     San Francisco
11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu
13     Donna  d@d.com       2      50     Tempe

--How to select characters from a name that letters begin with M, S, T--

Select * from tblPerson where Name LIKE '[MST]%'

2      Mary   m@m.com       NULL   23     Los Angeles
4      Sara   s@s.com       2      33     Buffalo
8      Mike   mike@m.com    3      56     Austin
9      Sarah  s@r.com       1      60     San Francisco
15     Tony   tony@t.com    1      22     Singapore

--How to NOT select letters with MST using the ^ operator--
Select * from tblPerson where Name LIKE '[^MST]%'

1      John   j@j.com       1      21     Sydney
3      Ron    ron@r.com     1      41     Miami
5      Linda  l@l.com       2      35     Lincoln
6      Kathy  k@k.com       2      42     Seattle
7      Rich   rich@r.com    NULL   52     Portland
10     Johnny john@r.com    NULL   38     Kansas City
11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu
13     Donna  d@d.com       2      50     Tempe
14     David  david@d.com   1      49     Trenton

--I want all the people that live in Portland whose age is > 25--
--Using AND & OR operator--

Select * from tblPerson where (City= 'Portland' OR City= 'Honolulu') AND Age > 25

7      Rich   rich@r.com    NULL   52     Portland
11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu

--To sort in ascending order--

Select * from tblPerson ORDER BY Name

14     David  david@d.com   1      49     Trenton
13     Donna  d@d.com       2      50     Tempe
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu
1      John   j@j.com       1      21     Sydney
10     Johnny john@r.com    NULL   38     Kansas City
6      Kathy  k@k.com       2      42     Seattle
5      Linda  l@l.com       2      35     Lincoln
2      Mary   m@m.com       NULL   23     Los Angeles
8      Mike   mike@m.com    3      56     Austin
7      Rich   rich@r.com    NULL   52     Portland
3      Ron    ron@r.com     1      41     Miami
4      Sara   s@s.com       2      33     Buffalo
9      Sarah  s@r.com       1      60     San Francisco
15     Tony   tony@t.com    1      22     Singapore
11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland

--To sort in descending order--
Select * from tblPerson ORDER BY Name DESC

11     Val    v@v.com       2      100    Portland
15     Tony   tony@t.com    1      22     Singapore
9      Sarah  s@r.com       1      60     San Francisco
4      Sara   s@s.com       2      33     Buffalo
3      Ron    ron@r.com     1      41     Miami
7      Rich   rich@r.com    NULL   52     Portland
8      Mike   mike@m.com    3      56     Austin
2      Mary   m@m.com       NULL   23     Los Angeles
5      Linda  l@l.com       2      35     Lincoln
6      Kathy  k@k.com       2      42     Seattle
10     Johnny john@r.com    NULL   38     Kansas City
1      John   j@j.com       1      21     Sydney
12     Glen   g@g.com       1      39     Honolulu
13     Donna  d@d.com       2      50     Tempe
14     David  david@d.com   1      49     Trenton

--Select top 10 records--
Select top 10 * from tblPerson

--Select top 2 records--
select top 2 * from tblPerson

--Select top 2 with specific columns Name, Age--
Select top 2 Name, Age from tblPerson

--Select top 1 percent from table--
Select top 1 percent * from tblPerson

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