
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How to Create a Customer Management System Application: Step 1

When creating a customer management system for your manager or a client, consider the requirements before writing any code.  Take for instance, your boss or client wants you to solve a problem and want you to design a software to keep track of all their customers, products and orders.  View the requirements in the second slide above to get the idea of where to begin your applications.  Pick out the commonality in each set of requirements and write them out.  See the example above.

Where should you start?

Start with the nouns

I learned that by starting with the nouns you will have an idea of what your classes might be.  The above example has the three classes, which include:  Customer, Product, and Order.

Define its Members

The next step is defining its members under each class.  Note the example below.

Along with defining the members is identifying and setting the methods.  Notice the methods validate(), retrieve(), and save().
Methods are the actions that will be able to do a certain function.  

A good practice I've learned is when you create an application is to think about if the application will retrieve data from a product or customer.  Another thing to ponder about is how are you going to retrieve an order of a product or how are you going to update the customer's contact information if they move.  Also, when a customer buys an item are you going save it in memory, so when they decide to purchase something from your company it's automatically saved for them if they decide to repurchase the item again.  Some of these scenarios are put in reality, for example if you buy an item from Amazon your account is already showing your previous items you purchased in the past.  

In the second step I will show you how to set up the Customer class.

Friday, November 13, 2015

How Do I Get A Programming Job Without Experience?

6 Secrets to Becoming a Web Developer

How to Play Sounds in Your Application?

Sound App in C#


Doing this application was a blast.  It allowed me to mess around with .wav files.  You could put just about any sound, such as a movie quote, animal sounds, or machines beeping.  It is entirely up to you.  In this application I added a duck quack and sounds from your actual computer.  

What you need?

You will need Visual Studio.  
Start in Windows Forms Application
About 7 buttons
7 labels 

Source code:

On each button click event attach the appropriate sound by double clicking the button to go to the source code.  You also can view the source code screen by pressing F7.  Copy the code and explore with .wav sounds.  Don't forget the Using.System.Media namespace at the top.  I've highlighted the namespace for you.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Media;

namespace PlayingSounds
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if(ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                SoundPlayer s = new SoundPlayer(ofd.FileName);

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                SoundPlayer s = new SoundPlayer(ofd.FileName);

        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                SoundPlayer s = new SoundPlayer(ofd.FileName);

How Do You Get Enough Experience to get a Programming Job?

How to get experience to get a software development job?  Eli the Computer guy is one of my favorite Youtube sensations out there that give relatively good advice.  I've been a C# .NET developer for around 6 months right now and finding a job in development has been difficult.  I don't have the long years of experience that employers are looking for yet because they usually want someone with 3 or more years of job experience.

What should I do?

In the meantime, I've been trying to market myself by doing web development for people.  I just started about a month ago and getting jobs have been rough.  I'm trying to find niche's in Wordpress development in my area where I live at and trying to get on social media accounts.  For example, exposing my skills to media sites, such as Facebook, Reddit, Youtube, and Google+.  I've been researching how to market my website http:\\www.logizticsdesigns.com.

Marketing with SEO takes a long time.  I don't think I can take being cooped up in the house very long.  I've been on the computer day and night, so I hope this pays off.

Getting Out There

A web designer on Youtube mentioned that he gets clients every time when he hands out business cards in local malls and stores.  I imagined what a perfect idea to gain experience.  Therefore, I ordered a bunch of cards to hand out to local businesses in the area.  I'm terrified at just showing up at someone's door, but I need to start some where, so I need to get over rejection.

Speaking of getting over my fears.  One day I was just out and about with my husband and I decided to randomly ask the owner of a liquor store if he would be interested in having a donated website.  Hence, free website!  His wife apparently told me they he wouldn't be interested.  I was rejected by two old people who owned a local liquor store.  I thought to myself, who wouldn't want something for free?  That's dumb.  Don't ask old people because I figure they are not up to speed with today's marketing and they are already set in their old ways.  Lesson learned I told myself.  When I told my husband the people rejected my free offer for a website.  He said, "they just don't care."  Yeah, okay whatever.  I'll ask someone else, next.

Just Waiting For The Right Time

I've done just about everything imaginable out there to get noticed.  I'm getting on board with social media, posted blogs, and told everybody what I'm up to.  Therefore, it's just being consistent with posting stuff and writing quality articles every time will be my duty for now and playing the waiting game.

How to Build a Wordpress Website Fast


Building a Wordpress Website is easy!

I can show you how to build this website fast.  There's nothing to it, but connecting to the right source.

I'm a Wordpress guru or developer that enjoy building websites for people, especially new businesses.  My target audience is small businesses and professionals.  If you need to put up a store I can do that too. 

Anything is possible because there is a theme for every single business out there.  

Check out my website site at http:\\www.logizticsdesigns.com

Monday, November 9, 2015

Method Overloading

Method Overloading

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MethodOverloading
    public class Numbers
        public int FirstNum;
        public int SecondNum;
        public int ThirdNum;
        public int FourthNum;

        public void printSum()
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum + ThirdNum + FourthNum);

    public static class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Numbers sumNumber = new Numbers();
            sumNumber.FirstNum = 1;
            sumNumber.SecondNum = 2;
            sumNumber.ThirdNum = 3;
            sumNumber.FourthNum = 4;


        public static void Add(int FirstNum, int SecondNum)
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum);
        public static void Add(int FirstNum, int SecondNum, int ThirdNum)
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum + ThirdNum);
        public static void Add(int FirstNum, int SecondNum, int ThirdNum, int FourthNum)
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum + ThirdNum + FourthNum);

        public static void Add(int FirstNum, float SecondNum)
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum);
        public static void Add(float FirstNum, float SecondNum)
            Console.WriteLine("Sum is {0}", FirstNum + SecondNum);


Starting a Project and Finishing the End Product

Start a Web Shop 

I followed this project designing a consignment shop for a clerk to use in their store.  It was a challenging task to finish and it took me about 4-5 days to complete because I kept stopping.  I would suggest to stick to the project and not get side tracked like me.  It should have taken me less time, but things happen.

Write out your notes

When I first started I wrote out my objectives about what I wanted to achieve in a small application.  Therefore, I wrote out my tasks in Microsoft Word and the classes in MS Excel.  The reason for this was to see the tasks clearly. 

Time to design

Now open up Visual Studio and select a windows application in C#.  You can view my code now to see my application.


using ConsignmentShopLibrary;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ConsignmentShopUI

    public partial class ConsignmentShop : Form

        private Store store = new Store();

        BindingSource itemsBinding = new BindingSource();

        public ConsignmentShop()

            itemsBinding.DataSource = store.Items;
            itemsListBox.DataSource = itemsBinding;

            itemsListBox.DisplayMember = "Display";
            itemsListBox.ValueMember = "Display";


        private void SetupData()
            store.Vendors.Add(new Vendor { FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Jones"});
            store.Vendors.Add(new Vendor { FirstName = "Tony", LastName = "Bologna" });

            store.Items.Add(new Item { Title = "Moby Dick",
                                        Description = "A book about a whale.",
                                        Price = 2.99M,
                                        Owner = store.Vendors[0] });
            store.Items.Add(new Item
                Title = "Of Mice and Men",
                Description = "A book about two displaced migrant ranch workers.",
                Price = 3.50M,
                Owner = store.Vendors[0]

            store.Items.Add(new Item
                Title = "The Great Gatsby",
                Description = "A book about a midwesterner that moved next door to a mansion owned by a wealthy man",
                Price = 3.50M,
                Owner = store.Vendors[1]
            store.Items.Add(new Item
                Title = "The Complete Poems",
                Description = "A book about poems.",
                Price = 2.80M,
                Owner = store.Vendors[1]

            store.Name = "Seconds Are Better";
